International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine

The leading medical training focused on the prescriptive practice of Endocannabinoid Medicine, exclusively for physicians.

Experts from 10 countries
Students from 4 continents
Classes with simultaneous translation into Portuguese, English and Spanish

Get ready for the next big leap in your medical career

The WeCann Academy Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine is designed to prepare the medical community to safely and effectively incorporate this knowledge into their practice.

The learning journey covers the fundamentals of the Endocannabinoid System and its key concepts, through a unique and differentiated learning experience, always based on scientific evidence and supported by the prescriptive experience of a highly qualified technical staff.

Through master classes, mentorships for discussion of clinical cases, up-to-date sessions on the latest published articles, a digital book with rich technical detail and participation in an exclusive community of physicians from various parts of the world, the student will have all the necessary support to practice this knowledge with excellence and confidence.

14 Classes
Live and exclusive with WeCann Experts

26 Experts
from different countries and specialties

7 Weeks
of pure immersion

60 Hours
of high quality content

Get ready for the new frontier of Medicine:

A program designed for physicians of the most diverse specialties and areas of practice who wish to incorporate safely and effectively a valuable tool into their therapeutic arsenal.
Digital MasterBook

A digital and interactive study material, with rich technical details to follow the learning journey, comfortably accessible from any device.


Live masterclasses with world-renowned experts in Endocannabinoid Medicine, so you learn the most effective way: combining scientific evidence and extensive practical experience


Discussion of real clinical cases to consolidate the learning with Experts with extensive prescriptive experience.

Immersive Classes

Immersive classes to emphasize the key concepts developed throughout the program, with Experts of proven technical expertise.

Up-to-date sessions

Meetings specially designed to keep you updated on the latest scientific publications and trials in the field.

WeCann Community

Free access to the WeCann Community. An exclusive community for exchanging experiences with other medical colleagues from around the world and discussing real clinical cases.

WeCann Talks

A monthly meeting via Zoom with the participation of national and international reference experts.
Keep up to date with relevant topics in Endocannabinoid Medicine, selected by our technical and scientific staff.

WeCann Rounds

Live meetings via Zoom every last Thursday of the month, exclusively for discussion of clinical cases.

The students themselves, together with WeCann Experts will present and discuss real clinical cases.

Learn about our learning journey

We have developed a unique methodology to share with you this disruptive knowledge with the necessary confidence to incorporate it into your medical practice.

This Course is exclusively for physicians who wish to:

Join an International Community of over 1,600 physicians from 15 countries

Discuss clinical cases with medical colleagues around the world who are applying Endocannabinoid Medicine in practice and use the power of knowledge to become a pioneer in one of the fastest growing areas of medicine in Brazil and in the world.

Certification Accredited by the Brazilian Medical Association

WeCann Experts

A highly qualified team connected in a single community, to bring you scientific knowledge and practical experience, in an impartial and technically differentiated way.

Tina Horsted

Tina Horsted has over 30 years of experience in patient care. Ten years as a general nurse and nurse anesthetist, and twenty years as a physician specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care medicine and pain management. Tina Horsted is trained and certified by SSAI (Scandinavian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) in pain management. Tina has worked in hospitals in Denmark and as a senior physician in both Sweden and Norway. She has taught nurses, physicians, heads of medical departments and lectured at various medical courses and congresses in Denmark and abroad. In 2018, Tina Horsted published the book Medical Cannabis – Quality of Life and Pain Relief with Cannabis Medicine from Gyldendal l publishing house, with a foreword by then Danish Minister of Health Ellen Trane Nørby. Tina Horsted has served as supervisor of scientific research and medical education, running quality assurance projects, and continuously publishing scientific articles. Recently, the Horsted Institute, of which Tina is a founder, compiled data from 2016-18 on over 2,400 chronic pain patients treated with medical cannabis. The article will be published soon.

Daniel Stein

Dr. Stein, a board-certified neurologist, completed his residency at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and a fellowship in Immunology of Neuromuscular Disease at the prestigious National Institute of Health. He has more than 30 years of experience practicing neurology and has treated over 4,200 patients with cannabis medicine. Dr. Stein is an assistant professor at Florida State University College of Medicine and is a member of the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine editorial board. In addition to providing education to healthcare professionals in the U.S., he has presented lectures on cannabis medicine in South Africa, the UK and Peru. Recent articles include: 1. Dell DD & Stein DS (2021). Exploring the use of medical marijuana for supportive care of oncology patients. J Adv Pract Oncol, 12(2): 188-201. 2. Stein DS. (2020). Ask the Expert: How Does Medical Cannabis help Parkinson’s Disease Patients? CRXMAG Fall Edition;2(4) 14-15. 3. Stein DS (2020). Low levels of endocannabinoids found in children with Autism (A commentary on Aran et al. Lower circulating endocannabinoid levels in children with autism spectrum disorder: Mol Autism. 2019; 10:2. American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine, 1(1), 52-53. Dr. Stein has used his medical training in neurology to assist patients in their journey to greater health and well-being.

Eduardo Faveret

Dr. Faveret has a highly distinguished medical and academic career, as founder and medical director of the Epilepsy Centers at the Paulo Niemeyer State Brain Institute and CEPIRIO RIO. He completed graduate studies in Pediatric Neurology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and FIOCRUZ, and specialized in Clinical Neurophysiology and Epileptology at Bonn Universität and Bethel Epilepsie Zentrum, in Germany.

Leandro Ramires

Leandro Ramires has a medical degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), General Oncological Surgeon, Mastologist, Master in Women’s Health and Breast Cancer from the Medical School of UFMG, former coordinator and current Medical Residency Preceptor of the Mastology Sector of the Hospital das Clínicas of UFMG. Prescriber of Cannabis for medical purposes since April 2014, he has extensive experience in the adjuvant treatment of patients with epilepsy, autism, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autoimmune diseases, cancer and in palliative care. Grower of medical cannabis with Safe Conduct for his son Benicio with Dravet Syndrome. He is currently Medical Scientific Director of the Brazilian Medical Cannabis Patients Association (, Clinical researcher, co-author of a study that confirmed the benefit of medical cannabis in the treatment of autism symptoms, involved in Education and Qualification Projects of doctors in medical cannabis since 2015, Expert of the Wecan Academy.

Patrícia Montagner

Neurosurgeon, graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, specialized in Neurosurgery by the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery, Patrícia Montagner is certified by the World Institute of Pain (WIP) in minimally invasive procedures in pain (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice) and technical director of the NeuroVinci Clinic, located in Florianópolis (SC), where she follows more than 1000 patients who regularly use medicinal cannabis.

Franjo Grotenhermen

Franjo Grotenhermen is a physician’ graduated from the University of Cologne, Germany. He worked as a physician in the field of internal medicine, surgery, and naturopathy until he retired due to severe and disabling microangiopathy, which causes a major orthostatic disorder, forcing him to be bedridden much of the time. For more than 20 years, Franjo has been studying the therapeutic potential of the Cannabis plant and has authored a series of articles, books, and book chapters on the clinical applications, pharmacology, and toxicology of cannabinoid derivatives. He was one of the pioneers to systematize this knowledge. Together with Ethan Russo, another world reference on the field, Franjo published almost 20 years ago the book Cannabis and Cannabinoids: pharmacology, toxicology, and therapeutic potential. This work was a milestone in the understanding of cannabis as medicine, methodologically organizing the scientific knowledge available until then. Today, Franjo attends patients who seek cannabinoid therapy in Steinheim, Germany, and is an internationally recognized leader, speaker, and educator in the medical cannabis ecosystem. He is the founder and executive director of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM). The IACM is the oldest and most relevant medical society in the world that promotes scientific understanding of Endocannabinoid Medicine and has supported for over 20 years, research and education activities related to the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoid derivatives.

Mariano Garcia

Medical surgeon graduated from the University of Barcelona in 1979. For 38 years he has worked as an emergency physician and also in the field of occupational medicine. For 17 years, Mariano has been studying and prescribing medical cannabis for his patients. In 2014, he founded Kalapa Clinic in Barcelona, Spain, Europe’s first medical consultancy specializing in medical cannabis, where he advises treatments with cannabinoid derivatives, conducts clinical research and collaborates with an international network of doctors, scientists and institutions, who exchange knowledge on Endocannabinoid Medicine. Mariano is at the forefront of the latest scientific research on the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids. He is a full member of the Spanish Observatory of Medicinal Cannabis and a founding member of the Clinical Society of Endocannabinoids (SCE)

Paola Pineda

Dr. Paola Pineda is a medical law specialist from the Universidade Pontifícia Bolivariana and has a smaster’s degree in HIV from the Universidad Reyjuan Carlos. Paola has a huge experience with Cannabis as a therapeutic tool and has been using this medicine with her patients for eight years, helping over 4,000 patients till now. She is a founding member of the Curativa group in Colombia, where she is dedicated to researching the Cannabis plant, its therapeutic potential, and possible synergies with other substances.

Adán de Salas Quiroga

Adán de Salas Quiroga graduated in Biology, specialty in Neurobiology, in 2011 and completed a Master’s Degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in 2012. In the beginning of 2011, Adán joined the world-leading cannabinoid research lab headed by the prestigious Professor Manuel Guzmán, covering distinct areas of the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in the context of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and embryonic development. In 2017, he received his PhD from the Complutense University, after his study about the role of the endocannabinoid system during mammalian embryonic brain development and the impact of prenatal exposure to cannabinoids. Along the next 4 years, Adán worked as a postdoctoral researcher in renowned national and international institutions where he received further training in electrophysiology and cancer. However, at some point he realized that the canonic scientific career was too uncoupled from the reality of thousands of patients suffering from devastating diseases who could already benefit from medical cannabis. From then on, Adán devoted himself to provide high quality education to healthcare professionals and companies about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, thus contributing to the robust development of a safe and trustworthy medical cannabis community that could help to increase the quality of life of hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide.

Joe Kosteric

General Practice Physician, speaker, author, and health industry consultant, Joe is a regular expert in the media and is often called to give opinions in medico legal cases. He is WA State Medical Director for IPN Medical Center, Clinical editor of Medical Forum Magazine, Medical Advisor to Medicinal Cannabis Company Little Green Pharma, and chairman of the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association. He teaches students at both University of Western Australia (adjunct professor) and Curtin Medical schools (lecturer), both in Australia. Previously Joe held senior positions in the Australian Medical Association and sat on numerous industry and government boards and has extensive experience in the management of medical centers.

Mery Peña Guzmán

Mery is a Colombian physician trained in medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and has worked for the last 10 years in Barcelona developing her clinical practice in mental health, she has worked in palliative care, and geriatrics, before joining the medical team in Kalapa clinic, specializing in helping patients with medical cannabis. She is a member of the society of cannabis clinicians and the current secretary of the Sociedad clinical de endocannabinologia in Spain.

Emílio Figueiredo

Bachelor Degree in Law through PUC-RIO (2003); Postgraduate in Social Responsibility and Third Sector, through the Institute of Economics at UFRJ (2013); He was a student in the “Drug Policy Reform” program at the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam (2014); Diploma in Political Innovation from Academia Innovación Politica (2017); Master’s Degree in Anthropology from the Graduate Program in Justice and Security (PPGJS) of the Institute of Comparative Studies in Conflict Management (INCT INEAC) of Universidade Federal Fluminense [Fluminense Federal University] (UFF); Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate Program in Sociology and Law (PPGSD) also at UFF. Partner at the Law Firm Figueiredo, Nemer e Sanches Advocacia Insurgente He has worked with law and cannabis in Brazil for over 10 years and is on the executive board of Rede Reforma, Legal consultant for associations of people who make therapeutic use of Cannabis and public and private initiatives that seek the national production of Cannabis with due regard for its social and environmental impact in Brazil.

Renato Malcher

B.S. in Biological Sciences from the Universidade de Brasilia (UnB, 1994), where he also completed his M.S. in Molecular Biology in 1997. He has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Tulane University (New Orleans, USA, 2005). During his Ph.D., he discovered the non-genomic interaction between glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol/corticosterone) and leptin in the control of endocannabinoid synthesis and their synaptic effects in the hypothalamus, where they centrally regulate homeostasis and stress response. His work covers in a general way the reciprocal regulation between the endocannabinoid system and hormones involved in the control of metabolism, appetite, immune response, inflammation, cognition, emotion, stress adaptation, and behavior. His articles on the topic have more than 2000 citations in scientific journals (Google Scholar, author: Malcher-Lopes). He also did, as a post-doctoral fellow, specialization in cellular neurophysiology at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland, 2005-6) and in Analytical Biochemistry at the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the Center for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology of Embrapa (Brasilia, 2008-9). He is co-author of the book Maconha, Cérebro e Saúde [Marijuana, Brain and Health] (Vieira & Lent, 2007; Yage, 2012), written in collaboration with neuroscientist Sidarta Ribeiro. From the impact of the book in Brazil, Renato became very active and recognized for his contribution to the dissemination of the medical uses of cannabis. He was President of the First International Congress on Drugs, Law, Health, and Society (Brasilia, 2013) and the First CannX Brazil – International Congress of Cannabinoid Medicine (São Paulo, 2018). He is currently a professor at the Department of Physiological Sciences at the University of Brasilia, where he conducts research related to the medicinal use of cannabis and the development of assistive technology for augmented communication and literacy for people with special needs, including severe autism and other learning and communication disorders.

Leslie Apgar

Leslie Apgar, M.D. is a board certified by OBGYN who specialized in minimally invasive surgery during her 21- year career. Unsatisfied by many aspects of traditional medicine, she started a medical spa, Pura Vida, in 2008 and left her OBGYN practice entirely in 2017 to work as a Medical Director and Co-Founder of Greenhouse Wellness, a medical cannabis dispensary in Maryland. With her best friend, Gina Dubbé, she published a book behind the scenes look at the industry called, “High Heals”: How Two Women Found Their Footing in the Medical Cannabis Industry. With Gina, she responded to an obvious void in the market and started a line of cannabis products for women called Blissiva. Dr. Apgar has been performing as a contributing writer for and sits on the Editorial Board of American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine and sits on the advisory board and is a contributing writer to CRx Magazine. She has published articles in both. Her passion is education and female empowerment, and she prioritizes this in every venue.

Paulo O. Mattos

Pharmacist and Biochemist, Master in Health and Environment, PhD in Molecular Biology from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), with experience in Pharmacology of Natural Products and Development of Phytotherapics and Cannabis Products. President of the Institute for Research and Complementary Therapies (ITHC), Quality Assurance Coordinator of the Bioanalysis Center of UNIFESP, member of the Technical Group of Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines of the Regional Pharmacy Council of São Paulo, and member of the Technical Committee of the Brazilian Pharmacopeia. He is dedicated to the area of medicinal cannabis.

Uwe Blesching

Uwe Blesching is the author of multiple books in the areas of the cannabinoid health sciences including The Cannabis Health Index (now in its 3rd edition), Breaking the Cycle of Opioid Addiction, and Your Cannabis CBD:THC Ratio. Before committing to writing and research he worked for about 20 years in the emergency medical services (EMS) for the San Francisco Department of Public Health. He holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education and Social Change from the Western Institute for Social Research. His most recent work has been as Co-founder and Chief Science Officer at CannaKeys360° an App and online platform designed to demystify the science of the endocannabinoid system.

Vincent Maida

A medical doctor with a degree from the University of Toronto and a master’s degree from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Maida serves as a consultant in Palliative Medicine and Wound Care at William Osler Health System in Toronto and is also the inaugural medical director of Hospice Vaughan. One of Canada’s most qualified endocannabinoid medicine specialists, with over 2 decades of cannabinoid advocacy, clinical experience, education, research and publication experience, he was the original discoverer of the potential of cannabinoids to treat integumentary and wound diseases in humans. His first data was presented at the World Union of Wound Healing Societies in Florence, Italy in 2016. He also published the first two human studies using topical cannabis-based medicines (TCBM) in the peer-reviewed literature in 2017.

Vinícius Barbosa

Psychiatrist graduated in Medicine from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Medical residency in Psychiatry at the Dr. Candido Ferreira Health Service in Campinas and Fellow in Child Psychiatry with emphasis on Autism and Early Schizophrenia at the Ville Evrard Hospital in Paris, France. Invited professor for the Extension course at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Unicamp. Vinícius Barbosa is currently Coordinator of the Medicinal Cannabis Center at Hospital Sírio Libanês in São Paulo and conducts research with the use of cannabinoids in Autism.

Wilson Lessa

Psychiatrist, graduated in Medicine by the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and specialist in Forensic Psychiatry by the Brazilian Medical Association. Wilson Lessa is a professor of medicine at the Federal University of Roraima and the Federal University of Paraíba, a member of the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) and a member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians (SCC).

Diego Cruz

A medical surgeon graduated from the University of Santiago de Chile, with a master’s degree in Mountain Medicine from the University of Insubria, Italy. Diego Cruz has been providing medical care at Fundación Daya for 6 years, one of the most relevant Medical Cannabis patient associations in Latin America. Scholar of the use of phytocannabinoids in palliative care, chronic pain, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has extensive experience in national and international congresses and university courses related to the medical use of Cannabis.

Mara Gordon

Mara Gordon is a globally recognized leader in the medical cannabis ecosystem. She has leveraged her experience as a Process Engineer helping Fortune 500 companies create intelligent software, to develop Cannabis formulations and therapeutic dosing regimens for thousands of patients in California, dramatically improving their health, quality of life, and longevity. Mara openly shares her knowledge and experience about the therapeutic benefits of the Cannabis plant through lectures, courses, conferences, and TEDx Talks, always advocating serious and responsible positions for this industry, which she cares deeply about. She frequently presents at various US CME (Continuing Medical Education) accredited medical conferences and inaugural medical cannabis conferences in several countries around the world. Recognizing the need for patient-focused software, Mara Gordon founded Octopi Wellness. With Octopi Wellness, physicians and healthcare professionals can make cannabis-based treatment recommendations backed by the latest, most qualified scientific data. Her pioneering work with medical cannabis was recently chronicled in Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein’s documentary, “Weed the People” (available on Netflix).

Fabio Di Francesco

Fabio has a Pharmacy degree from Sapienza Università di Roma and a master in professional studies in Pharmacy Compounding by University of Camerino, Italy. He’s also achieved a master of professional studies in EU-GMP guidelines manufacturing at the University of Pavia, Italy. Fabio has been a compounding lab pharmacy manager for customized medicines at Dr. Ennio Ponzi SAS Tor Vergata, in Rome, Italy. He worked closely with physicians, dentists and veterinarians for the compounding of customized Cannabis-based medicines with microdosages and specific dosages, and is proficient in Cannabis-based preparations, from the simplest ones, such as capsules, to the most advanced ones, such as oil, resin and eye drops. Passionate about medical Cannabis, he used all the skills achieved to prepare every day, all types of Cannabis-based medicines, using raw materials of Italian origin (FM1-FM2), Dutch (Bedrocan, Bedrobinol, Bediol, Bedica, Bedrolite) and Canadian (Aurora Pedanios) origin. He provided consultancy for pharmaceutical companies involved in manufacturing of medicinal cannabis products in the UK, Greece and Canada. He has recently achieved a new role as pharmaceutical consultant in Farmalabor SRL, an Italian EU-GMP pharmaceutical company involved in importation and distribution of cannabis medicines, including Bedrocan varieties and Curaleaf extracts. He’s currently daily working with doctors and pharmacists, providing information for customisation and regulations of cannabis based medicines.

Harry McilRoy

A post graduate medical doctor from the Institute of Functional Medicine, America’s leading training in Functional Medicine and with extensive training in Osteopathy, yoga and meditation, Harry McIlroy integrates his deep knowledge of Eastern and Western Medicine to optimize the health and vitality of each patient. His training in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine introduced him to medicinal cannabis over 20 years ago. For Harry, the potency and complexity of the Cannabis plant provide a wide variety of therapeutic options, so he uses his knowledge of Functional Medicine and his experience with medicinal plants to guide his patients on the most effective ways to stimulate each body’s capacity for self-healing.

Ricardo Ferreira

Dr. Ricardo Ferreira had his medical degree in the 90s, had his medical residency in orthopedics and traumatology by UFRJ – Brazil, and accumulates in his career more than ten degrees and titles in his area, among them: Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology by MEC, by SBOT (Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology) and AMB (Brazilian Medical Association); Full Member of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and the Brazilian Society of Spine Surgery; Member of the North American Spine Society – NASS, and Spine Specialist and member of AO Spine International, Pain Specialist at SBED, and an MBA in Health Management from COPPEAD. Part of his training was done at a renowned spine center in Europe, from where he brought some techniques still considered to be pioneering in Brazil. Ricardo Ferreira is one of the pioneering physicians in the prescription of medical cannabis in Brazil and has extensive experience in conferences and courses related to the medicinal use of medical cannabis in the country.

See below WeCann students from all over Brazil who have already incorporated Endocannabinoid Medicine into their practice and are living a new phase in medicine:

This course made an extreme change in my learning about Endocannabinoid Medicine. Besides acquiring more prescriptive safety, it broadened my horizon about new ways of clinical application, humanized and particularized follow-up, worldwide experience of the ecosystem!!! It was a show!!! Very worthwhile! I appreciate every second of knowledge!

Fernanda Dantas
Psychiatrist, SC

WeCann’s course is excellent, it delivers beyond expectations! Great experts who share rich content in a clear and generous way. It is the best course!

Tânia Cristina A. Pimentel
Pediatrician, RJ

I recommend the course, because besides having an experienced and studious teaching staff, it has a very good organization and excellent platform, clarifying the doubts of the exercise of this specialty.

Gerso Alano Nogueira Martinelli
Gastroenterologist, RS

My sincere thanks to the whole team, especially to the professors who gave excellent classes with their knowledge and enriching content. Every step I learned with you was and will be of great value. I hope to take this knowledge to my patients’ pain relief! Today I feel prepared to serve them safely, thanks to WeCann! Thank you.

Rafaela Dutra
Pain Medicine and Anesthesiology, MG

The course is excellent, practical, objective, and brings all the information that the physician needs to start using this incredible tool that is the endocannabinoid medicine, to improve the patient’s health. I highly recommend WeCann and its course as a way to really get qualified in this area of medical knowledge…

Fábio L. Arante
General Surgeon, SC

The Wecann Academy training with all the experts really made a difference in my life! I had never received endocannabinoid medicine education before. It was very important to know that there are many well-founded studies on the endocannabinoid system, applicability, clinical response, and so many political and economic reasons that work against a clinical practice that has so many benefits for patients.

Juliana G. Pereira
Psychiatrist, SP


US $5.000

By guaranteeing your place now, you will receive:

* We have kept the same price as the previous class to ensure that as many physicians as possible can enroll. However, this is your last chance to acquire the International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine at this price.

About WeCann Academy

The WeCann Academy is a global community and a training and education center in Endocannabinoid Medicine, which brings together experts of national and international relevance, connecting in a highly qualified way, scientific knowledge and practical experience.

Our goal is to build an active community from the exchange of experiences that promote new possibilities in Medicine.

We believe in safe, effective, and affordable forms of treatments based on the Endocannabinoid System that aim to minimize the suffering of patients with chronic and disabling diseases and promote wellness on a large scale.

Frequently Asked Questions

WeCann’s International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine is designed for medical students and physicians of all specialties who wish to broaden their therapeutic arsenal and gain confidence and safety in prescribing endocannabinoid medicines to their patients.

The course and all learning tools are available for up to 6 months after the class start date. For class 6, which will start on October 29, this period will be extended for another 6 months, for a total of 1 year of access.

The International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine classes are 100% online. And unlike most medical courses, the certification classes are broadcast live with simultaneous translation into Portuguese, English, and Spanish. However, for students who are unable to attend or who want to revisit the content later, all lessons will be recorded and available on the platform.
The Endocannabinoid Medicine is already a reality in more than 40 countries and helps thousands of people in Brazil and in the world to live healthier and with more quality of life. Currently, there are more than 19 medicines approved by ANVISA for sale in pharmacies in Brazil, and the access tends to be more and more expanded. Furthermore, these medicines tend to become way more financially accessible, so you’ll be sure that your patient has access to the medicines.

Most of our students have taken other courses before and some of them are even prescribing already. However, many of them report that they were only able to feel safe enough to prescribe for more complex cases after completing WeCann’s international certification.

We have even found in our research that the vast majority of our students start prescribing just 1 month after completing the certification.

So, yes! The physician who already practices Endocannabinoid Medicine not only can, but should, take the certification, because he or she will gain even more knowledge and a wide range of materials and in-depth technical and scientific knowledge.

Besides the access to a global community of colleagues who are extending their practice and can help you further improve your results.

The International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine is a class-based training, open only a few times a year. This is the last class of the year, so if you don’t guarantee your place now, you can only get a new subscription next year.

As mentioned earlier, WeCann’s International Certification in Endocannabinoid Medicine only opens a few times a year. So, if the opportunity to apply is open, don’t miss it.

It is simple to enroll. Just fill out the form on this page with your personal data and make the payment on the secure checkout page. You will then receive confirmation of your purchase by email and WhatsApp, as well as your access data to the course environment.

The Certification can be purchased by credit card, bank-issued invoice, or PIX. It is possible to pay in installments by credit card in up to 12 fixtures without interest.
Although we believe this is exceedingly difficult to happen, since the certification has an extremely high level of satisfaction (NPS) even by international standards. However, if even against the statistics for some reason you do not like the training or feel that it is not for you, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchase. If you request cancellation within 14 days of purchase, we will refund 100% of the amount invested.

Harry McIlroy

Médico pós-graduado pelo Institute of Functional Medicine, formação líder em Medicina funcional dos EUA e com vasto treinamento em Osteopatia, ioga e meditação. Sua capacitação em Fitoterapia Tradicional Chinesa o apresentou à terapia canabinoide há mais de 20 anos.

Utiliza seus conhecimentos em Medicina Funcional e sua experiência com plantas medicinais para orientar seus pacientes sobre formas mais eficazes de estimular a capacidade de autocura de cada organismo.

Mara Gordon

Líder mundialmente reconhecida no ecossistema da Medicina Endocanabinoide, TEDx Speaker, fundadora do Octopi Wellness, software onde pacientes podem buscar recomendações de tratamento à base de Cannabis respaldados em dados científicos mais recentes e qualificados.

Seu trabalho pioneiro com a Cannabis medicinal foi recentemente relatado no documentário de Ricki Lake e Abby Epstein, “Weed the People” (disponível no Netflix).

Cadastre-se para registrar seu interesse em ser um expositor ou patrocinador do WeCann Summit 2023:

Preencha seus dados e aguarde o contato de um consultor para dar continuidade à sua solicitação:

Mery Peña

Mery é médica colombiana formada em Medicina na Universidade Nacional da Colômbia e trabalha há 10 anos em Barcelona desenvolvendo sua prática clínica em saúde mental. Trabalhou em cuidados paliativos e geriatria, antes de se juntar à equipe médica na Kalapa Clinic, especializando-se em ajudar pacientes através da cannabis medicinal. Ela é membro da Society of Cannabis Clinicians e a atual secretária da Sociedade Clínica de Endocannabinología da Espanha.

Vincent Maida

Médico formado pela Universidade de Toronto e mestrado pela Escola de Saúde Pública Dalla Lana, Maida atua como consultor em Medicina Paliativa e Tratamento de Feridas no William Osler Health System, em Toronto e também é diretor médico inaugural do Hospice Vaughan.

Um dos especialistas em medicina endocanabinoide mais qualificados do Canadá, com mais de 2 décadas de experiência na defesa dos canabinoides, experiência clínica, educação, pesquisa e publicação, foi o descobridor original do potencial dos canabinoides para tratar doenças tegumentares e de feridas em humanos. Seus primeiros dados foram apresentados na World Union of Wound Healing Societies em Florença, Itália, em 2016. Também publicou os dois primeiros estudos em humanos usando medicamentos tópicos à base de cannabis (TCBM) na literatura revisada por pares em 2017.

Eduardo Faveret

Eduardo Faveret tem uma carreira médica e acadêmica altamente distinta, como fundador e diretor médico do Centros de Epilepsia do Instituto Estadual do Cérebro Paulo Niemeyer e CEPIRIO RIO. Ele concluiu a pós-graduação em Neurologia Pediátrica, pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e FIOCRUZ e se especializou em Neurofisiologia Clínica e Epileptologia em Bonn Universität e Bethel Epilepsie Zentrum, na Alemanha. Em 2013, o Dr. Faveret tornou-se um dos primeiros médicos brasileiros a prescrever a cannabis medicinal, tratando posteriormente mais de 3.000 pacientes portadores de diversas doenças em todo o país.

Diego Cruz​

Médico-cirurgião formado pela Universidade de Santiago do Chile, com mestrado em Medicina de Montanha pela Universidade de Insubria, Itália. Diego Cruz presta atendimento médico na Fundação Daya há 6 anos, uma das mais relevantes associações de pacientes de Cannabis Medicinal da América Latina. É um estudioso sobre o uso de fitocanabinoides em cuidados paliativos, dor crônica e do Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Ele tem ampla experiência em congressos nacionais e internacionais e cursos universitários relacionados ao uso médico da Cannabis.

Tina Hoersted

Tina Horsted tem mais de 30 anos de experiência no tratamento de pacientes. Dez anos como enfermeira geral e enfermeira anestesista, e vinte anos como médica especialista em anestesiologia, medicina intensiva e manejo da dor.

Tina Horsted tem treinamento e certificação da SSAI (Sociedade Escandinava de Anestesiologia e Medicina Intensiva) em gerenciamento da dor. Tina trabalhou em hospitais da Dinamarca e como médica sênior tanto na Suécia como na Noruega. Ela ensinou enfermeiros, médicos, chefes de departamentos médicos e deu palestras em diversos cursos e congressos médicos na Dinamarca e no exterior.

Em 2018, Tina Horsted publicou o livro Medical Cannabis- Quality of Life and Pain Relief with Cannabis Medicine da editora Gyldendal l, com um prefácio da então Ministra da Saúde da Dinamarca Ellen Trane Nørby.

Tina Horsted tem atuado como supervisora de pesquisas científicas e educação médica, executando projetos de garantia de qualidade e publicando continuamente artigos científicos. Recentemente, o Horsted Institute, do qual Tina é fundadora, compilou dados de 2016-18 sobre mais de 2.400 pacientes portadores de dor crônica tratados com cannabis medicinal. O artigo será publicado em breve.

Ricardo Ghelman

Pediatria e Onco-Hematologista infantil. Possui mestrado em Anatomia Comparada e doutorado em Medicina na área de Obstetrícia Experimental.

Coordenador do Ambulatório de Antroposofia e Saúde do Setor de Investigação em Doenças Neuromusculares da UNIFESP desde 2012. Ele também foi coordenador do Núcleo de Medicina Antroposófica do Departamento de Obstetrícia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Escola Paulista de Medicina de 2007 a 2014. 

Ele é professor assistente e docente convidado em diversos cursos de pós-graduação e especialização em Medicina Antroposófica e Práticas Integrativas. 

Ele também é o coordenador pedagógico do curso de extensão "Semiologia antroposófica" da UNIFESP.

Mark Ware

O Dr. Mark A. Ware MBBS MRCP (Reino Unido) é um médico de família e Professor Associado de Medicina Familiar e Anestesia na Universidade McGill. É Director de Investigação Clínica da Unidade de Gestão da Dor Alan Edwards no Centro de Saúde da Universidade McGill, co-Director da Rede de Investigação da Dor do Quebeque e Director Executivo do Consórcio Canadiano sem fins lucrativos para a Investigação de Canabinóides. Pratica medicina da dor no Hospital Geral de Montreal.

Nos últimos 10 anos, o Dr. Ware deu inúmeras palestras em todo o Canadá sobre a dor para profissionais de saúde e para o público. Ensina medicina da dor e medicina integrativa a estudantes de medicina na McGill e foi recentemente nomeado McGill Teaching Scholar para coordenar o ensino da dor no currículo da faculdade de medicina.

Os principais interesses de investigação do Dr. Ware são a avaliação da segurança e da eficácia dos medicamentos derivados da canábis (canabinóides), estudos de base populacional sobre o impacto da dor na população e terapias complementares na gestão da dor e dos sintomas. A sua investigação é financiada pelo FRSQ, pelo CIHR e pela Fundação Alan e Louise Edwards, bem como por subvenções de empresas farmacêuticas como a AstraZeneca, a Pfizer e a Valeant.

Kristen Muller

A Dra. Kirsten Müller-Vahl, M.D., é professora de psiquiatria no Departamento de Psiquiatria, Psiquiatria Social e Psicoterapia da Faculdade de Medicina de Hannover (MHH), Alemanha. 

Ela é especialista em neurologia e psiquiatria de adultos. Desde 1995, é chefe do departamento ambulatorial de síndrome de Tourette no MHH. De 1997 a 2003, foi bolsista do governo alemão (Dorothea-Erxleben-Stipendium) para pesquisas científicas relacionadas à síndrome de Tourette. De 2012 a 2016, foi vice-presidente da Sociedade Europeia para o estudo da síndrome de Tourette (ESSTS). Ela é presidente da Associação Nacional (ACM) e da Associação Internacional de Medicamentos Canabinoides (IACM), além de ser membro do comitê de peritos em estupefacientes da Agência Federal do Ópio do Instituto Federal de Drogas e Dispositivos Médicos (BfArM).

A Dra. Müller-Vahl foi perita individual no Comitê de Saúde do Bundestag alemão para a audição sobre o projeto de lei que altera a regulamentação sobre estupefacientes, no que diz respeito à comercialização e prescrição de medicamentos adicionais à base de cannabis. Em 2017, ela recebeu o "Prêmio IACM de Investigação Clínica" pelas suas realizações especiais no que diz respeito à reintrodução de cannabis e canabinoides como medicamentos.

Ela é a principal investigadora em numerosos estudos financiados pela DFG, BMBF, UE e indústria, incluindo medicamentos à base de cannabis e moduladores de canabinoides. A Dra. Müller-Vahl tem mais de 160 artigos científicos e numerosos capítulos de livros, sendo também co-editora do trabalho padrão sobre cannabis como medicamento: Müller-Vahl KR, Grotenhermen F (Hrg). Cannabis als Medizin, Berlim: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 2020. ISBN: 978-3-95466-509-9. Ela é editora e membro do conselho editorial das revistas "Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research" e "Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids".

Wilson Lessa

Médico psiquiatra, graduado em Medicina pela Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul e especialista em Psiquiatria Forense pela Associação Médica Brasileira. Wilson Lessa é professor do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Roraima e da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, membro da International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) e membro da Society of Cannabis Clinicians (SCC).

Alberto Ulloa

Médico psiquiatra pela Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá Colômbia. Professor no curso de pós-graduação em dependência da Universidade Luis Amigo, na cidade de Medellín. Ele trabalhou no Ministério da Saúde na Colômbia com o grupo de Saúde Mental. Psiquiatra da IPS Centro Cita de Saúde Mental e em seu consultório particular na clínica Medellin del Poblado. Ele começou a estudar sobre a cannabis medicinal em 2019 e atualmente acompanha os pacientes com esta ferramenta.

Paola Pineda​

Médica especialista em Direito médico pela Universidade Pontifícia Bolivariana e Mestre em HIV pela Universidade Rey Juan Carlos, Paola Pineda utiliza Cannabis como ferramenta terapêutica há oito anos e já auxiliou mais de 5.000 pacientes. É membro fundadora do grupo Curativa, na Colômbia, onde se dedica a pesquisar a planta da Cannabis, seu potencial terapêutico e possíveis sinergias com outras substâncias.

Mariano Garcia

Médico cirurgião graduado pela Universidade de Barcelona em 1979. Atuou por 38 anos como médico emergencista e Médico do Trabalho. Estuda e atua na área da Medicina Endocanabinoide há 17 anos.

Fundador da Kalapa Clinic em Barcelona, Espanha, a primeira consultoria médica da Europa especializada em Medicina Endocanabinoide.

Membro efetivo do Observatório Espanhol de C. Medicinal e membro fundador da Sociedade Clínica de Endocannabinologia (SCE).

Leandro Ramires

Médico cirurgião oncológico e mastologista, Mestre em Saúde da Mulher e câncer de mama pela Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG, ex-coordenador e atual Médico Preceptor da Residência Médica do Setor de Mastologia do Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG.

Prescritor de Cannabis para fins medicinais desde abril de 2014, possui ampla experiência no tratamento adjuvante de pacientes com epilepsia, autismo, dor crônica, Alzheimer, Parkinson, doenças autoimunes, câncer e em cuidados paliativos. Cultivador de Cannabis para fins medicinais com Salvo Conduto para seu filho Benício portador da Síndrome de Dravet.

Atualmente é Diretor Médico Científico da Ass. Bras. de Pacientes de Cannabis Medicinal ( e pesquisador Clínico.

Ricardo Ferreira

Médico especializado em Ortopedia e Traumatologia na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, acumula em sua carreira mais de dez títulos em sua área, dentre eles: Especialista em Ortopedia e Traumatologia pelo MEC, pela SBOT (Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia) e AMB (Associação Médica Brasileira); Membro Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, e Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia da Coluna; Membro da Sociedade Norte Americana de Coluna (North American Spine Society – NASS), e Especialista em Coluna e Membro da AO Spine International, Especialista em DOR pela Sociedade Brasileira em Estudos da Dor e MBA em Gestão de Saúde na COPPEAD (Graduate School of Business – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).

Ricardo Ferreira é um dos médicos pioneiros da Medicina Endocanabinoide no Brasil.

Vinicius Barbosa

Médico psiquiatra graduado em Medicina pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Residência médica em Psiquiatria pelo Serviço de Saúde Dr. Cândido Ferreira em Campinas e Fellow em Pedopsiquiatria com ênfase em Autismo e Esquizofrenias Precoces no Hospital de Ville Evrard em Paris, França. Professor convidado do curso de Extensão da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Unicamp. Vinícius Barbosa atualmente é Coordenador do Núcleo do Cannabis Medicinal do Hospital Sírio Libanês em São Paulo e realiza pesquisa com o uso de cannabinóides no Autismo.

Adán de Salas Quiroga

Biólogo, especialista em Neurobiologia. 

Mestre em Bioquímica, Biologia Molecular e Biomedicina na Universidade Complutense de Madrid.

Em 2017, recebeu o seu título de doutor pela Universidade Complutense, após o seu estudo sobre o papel do Sistema Endocanabinoide durante o desenvolvimento do cérebro embrionário de mamíferos e o impacto da exposição pré-natal a essa terapêutica. 

Atualmente, dedica-se a fornecer educação de alta qualidade aos profissionais e empresas de saúde sobre Medicina Endocanabinoide.

Franjo Grotenhermen

Médico, pesquisador e autor, é referência internacional na Medicina Endocanabinoide. É fundador da Internacional Association for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM), co-fundador e presidente da sociedade alemã de Cannabis medicinal – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Cannabis als Medizin (ACM) e membro do conselho científico da Associação Alemã de cânhamo industrial – Cannabiswirtschaft.

Recentemente, sua biografia foi retratada no documentário The Doctor, amplamente premiado em festivais de cinema pelo mundo, antes mesmo de ir para as salas de exibição.

Patricia Montagner

Médica neurocirurgiã certificada pelo World Institute of Pain (WIP) para procedimentos minimamente invasivos em dor (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practive).

Diretora técnica da Clínica NeuroVinci, onde acompanha e trata mais de 2 mil pacientes utilizando a Medicina Endocanabinoide.

Fundadora da WeCann Academy, Comunidade Global de estudos em Medicina Endocanabinoide que já conta com mais de 1.500 médicos de vários países.

Host e idealizadora do WeCann Summit.